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Vision, Mission & Mandate


  • A globally competitive workforce.


  • To promote decent work, skills development and sustainable job creation.

Mandate of the State Department

Executive order no.1 of 2018(Revised) on Organization  of the Government of the Republic of Kenya gives the mandate of the State Department for Labour as follows.

  • National Labour and Employment Policy Management.

  • National Labour Productivity and Competitiveness.

  • Child Labour Policy and Regulations management.

  • Migratory Labour and International Jobs Policy.

  • Workman’s Inspection.

  • Industrial Relations Management.

  • Industrial Training.

  • National Human Planning and Development.

  • Develop and maintain a Database on Employment Creation.

  • Work place inspection.

  • Promotion of Occupational Health and Safety at Work.

Strategic objectives


  • To inculcate a safety and health culture in work places;

  • To promote harmonious labour relations, social dialogue and fair labour practices;

  • To provide policy guidance on national human resource planning, development and utilization;

  • To promote productivity and enhance competitiveness;

  • To ensure adequate supply of relevant skills to industry;

  • To develop, implement and review labour market policies, legislation and programmes for employment and sustainable job creation;

  • To enhance efficiency, equity, transparency and accountability in results–based service delivery; and

  • To improve service delivery and coordination of the State Department’s functions, programmes and activities.